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What Are the Health Benefits of Playing Pool/Billiards?

There are number of benefits of playing pool/billiards that people are not aware of. Many of you think it is a game that does not help you stay in shape, but actually it does burn a lot of calories and has many other benefits. #1. Sharpens your mind Billiards and Pool players often have sharp minds as the game requires quick decisions and requires mental mathematical calculations that sharpens the mind to next level. #2. Improvement in Focus You can improve your focus if you play billiards or pool regularly because billiards need a fair amount of attention, specially when you play it with your friends, so you will found that your focus in improving once you play it every week or so. #3. Improves Balancing Power Playing Pool or billiards need a fair amount of balance as you need it to play perfect shots, so overall the balance of body will improve as you will stretch a lot during the games. #4. Burn Decent Calories If you have the right weight cue stick in your hand you

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